
S. N. Busch
שיהיה לרפואה שלמה לכל חולי עם ישראל
Joanna Pines
We miss you Devora! Thank you for including us in this initiative!
Faigie Gilbert
Valentina Loseva
Breindy Rubin
Elisheva Rubin
I am so excited! Can't wait!
Chaya Ochs
Kol hakovod, Devora!
Hindy Housman
Just wanted to be part of your group
Tizki Le'mitzvos!
Sara Rochel Fabian
Marla Teichman
Thanks for including me!
Margy Kerr-Jarrett
Faigy Hammer
Roni Katz
C.D. Urbach
l'zchus refuah shlayma for Esther Perel bas Chana Devorah
Dannielle Fritch
Kol hakavod! Wry excited to be part of your team
Hadassa David
Shira Furst
Merissa Gross
i love devora so if she recommends something I will happily try it!!
Saucee Garfinkel
Jessie Rothstein
Rochel Nussbaum
Ariellab B
רחל קלוגמן
we are in the city of peace
Esther MAyer-Deutsch
Temima Markovits
Maja Zchout
Chana Fogel
Oshra Attia
Devorah you are awesome, inspiring as always!!
Batsheva Tirtza Gordon
Rosie Rubin
thank you!
Yasher Koach!!
Rochel Grossman
Thanks for including me!
Rachel Dachs
tizku l'mitzvos
Miriam Heitner
Chumie Berry
Thanks for doing this, Devora!
Sarah Donner
Chani Kahan
Rivky Skurnik
Tova Wacholder
Emuna Diamond
Thanks for including me and giving me the opportunity to participate!
Malky Goldberg
Chevi Bookman
#1 MOM
Yudit Pearlman
Miryam Ruth Eviathar
Ruth Amieli
Leah Scheininger
Thanks for including me!
S Zaidoff
tizku lmitzvos!
Deborah Stanyer
Anonymous Sponsor
Kol Hakavod Devora! Tizki Lemitzvos!
Sarah Goldstein
Batel Maalumi
Adina Bulman
Batel Maalumi
Mimi Laufer